Abstract Fence Shadows

Soft focus added and converted to Sepia tone in Picasa. I was blowing through some film to get it processed, and thought the lighting and shadows on my fence were pretty cool
Nikon n8008s, 28-70 Prorokinon @ 70 macro. Exposure unrecorded (but somewhere around 1/60th at f-11, I think).

A slightly different take from the same fence -- this time applying some intense color saturation. I love SLR photography -- and to be able to play with my pictures digitally afterwards, it's the best of both worlds! One of these days I'll be able to save a little photo processing cash by buying a digital SLR. Even the entry-level ones are waaaaay out of my price range. I'll stick with scanning my film for now...

A negative inverse of the original photo.

There's the original.
Exposure data same as above photo.
If you'd like to use images in this blog post, please e-mail paul(at)paulmphotography.com
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